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佳玛娱乐科技位于广州番禺,专注于VR游乐设备的研发、生产和销售。自2009年以来,佳玛为全球各地的品牌、度假村、水上乐园、旅游景点和主题公园的场地项目提供方案策划、创新设计、工程建设和运营管理指导;2015年推出自主研发9DVR品牌”极限视界“,成为首批VR设备研发生产商,让普通消费者体验到世界最新科技的魅力;2017年佳玛推出 GLOBAL VR PARK 品牌,开启VR泛娱乐行业全新商业模式。凭借多年的质量口碑和不断创新,佳玛成为市场上VR游乐设备的顶级供应商之一。

Jamma Amusement has been a leading manufacturer providing amusement park equipment, design and installation services since 2009. Also we are a top provider of motion theater and VR interactive devices. Our location is in Guangzhou, China.

From site planning, product selection to installation and after-sales service, we have a professional team to give you the best advice, which will help you save time and money.
